Winneshiek County officials are relieved that Congress wasable to extend federal highway funding by passing a bill before leaving for thesummer. But Winneshiek County Engineer Lee Bjerke pointed out Monday thatthe funding extension is good only through June of next year.
Congress passed a bill that added $10.8 billion to thefederal highway fund. Without the action, the fund would have faced a 28percent decrease. That's because federal gasoline and diesel fuel taxreceipts would not have been enough to fully fund the federal highwayprogram.
Congress' bill raised $6.4 billion by allowing companies toreduce the amount that they contribute to their pension funds now and make upfor it later; $3.5 billion by extending user fees paid to the Customs Servicefor goods, vehicles and people entering the U.S.; and $1 billion by takingmoney from a fund that pays for cleaning up sites fouled by pollution fromleaking underground storage tanks.
Winneshiek County receives federal highway funds for severalroad projects each year. The federal funds are especially important forhelping to pay for bridge projects.