Winneshiek Medical Center patients can now handle some of their medical care issues online.
The hospital's new "Patient Online Services" is a secure, interactive web program that allows patients and their families to request and track appointments with Winneshiek Medical Center health care providers in the Decorah, Ossian and Mabel clinics; to exchange secure messages with your health care team; to obtain access to health information, including laboratory results, medications, immunizations, allergies, personal information, visit history, discharge/aftercare information, and more; and to submit updates to personal information prior to a visit.
"Patient Online Services helps us meet the needs of our patients in an increasingly online environment," says Mayo Clinic Health System family medicine physician Dr. Tyler Menke.
WMC patients can now create a Patient Online Services account by visiting www.winmedical.org and filling out a simple online enrollment form. You will receive a personal username and password, and a link to enter the secure website. Patient Online Services is available to adults age 18 and older, and parents/guardians can obtain access for children age 12 and under. Youth ages 13-17 are not eligible for a Patient Online Services account. Individuals managing another adult's health care can also obtain access to their online record after completing the required consent forms in person at WMC.
Further details on Patient Online Services can be found at www.winmedical.org/patient-online-services