(Per Einar from Bergen, Norway e-mails Mr. Answer Person: In international running competitions I think there should be 5-year groups. I was really shocked when I discovered the age discrimination in Elvelopet, which I had planned with a friend (80+) to join in. ONE GROUP FROM 60 t0 100 years!! Is that American respect for old age??)
Mr. Answer Person says: "While there were around 800 people running in the Elvelopet in 2013, only 12 men over the age of 60 ran in the 5k race. Of those dozen people, only one was over the age of 70. So Elvelopet could have had 70-74; 75-79; 80-84; 85-90 age divisions for the 5k run—but there would have been only one entry for four age divisions!