(Click on photos for larger images)(Speech and Drama Awards)(Front row, left to right): Rita Guzman, Carli Galligan, Alexis Hove, Maria Mertzenich, Aidan Spencer, Allison Schwartzhoff. Back row, l. to r., Sam Iverson, Kelly Minear, TJ Misseldine. Forde Nesteby, Lukas Phillips, Bryce Pierce, Brad Suhr. Missing from photo: Connor Gossman, Dylan Henning, Maria Hoyme
The Driftless Art Collective has presented awards to Decorah High School fine arts students. The students were selected by teacher recommendation for excellence in achievement and dedication to the arts.
Awards were given in five categories: speech and drama; visual art; vocal music; band; and orchestra.

Visual Art awards: l. to.r., Rita Guzman, Lydia Hayes, Olivia Heier, Sam Iverson, Madi Sparrow, Faith Vilardo, Steffenee Voigt

Vocal Music Awards: front row, l. to r., Rita Guzman, Lydia Hayes, Carli Galligan, Alexis Hove, Maria Mertzenich,,Aidan Spencer. Back row, l. to r., Caleb Michel, Blake Taylor, Brad Suhr, T.J. Misseldine, Sean Trewin, Nick Vande Krol

Band Awards: front row, l. to r., Brianna Burke, Maria Mertzenich, Alexis Hove, Maleah Garwood. Back row, l. to r., Hannah Hougen, Lukas Phillips, Brad Suhr, T.J. Misseldine, Clara Kittelson, Kelly Minear

Orchestra Awards: l. to r., Blake Taylor, Lydia Hayes, Rachel Dougan, Rebecca Alcock. Missing: Lucas Griesheimer