On Wednesday night the Decorah School Board heard nothing but supportive comments from staff in regard to reinstating Wednesday after school practices at the Decorah Middle School. The policy of no practices on Wednesdays has long standing historical roots related to after school religious education programs. However, it was noted that there is no such program currently existing in Decorah prior to 5:45 p.m.
A significant benefit would include 30-40 percent more practices for athletic teams. One of the concerns of no Wednesday practices is that of idle time for many students. In addition the no practice policy puts a significant load on transportation programs – to the point where additional busing may be required. Officials were not aware of any other schools that still have such a no practice policy.
The Board is expected to vote on the recommendation at their May meeting, but encourages the public to give them feedback prior to that meeting on May 12. Feedback can be given to any board member or administrator involved, via the school website.