It was another terrific day Saturday for the entire Decorah HS Music Department at the State Solo and Ensemble Festival in Cresco.
Each judge was allowed to present one "Best of Center" award for the performance they deemed to be the most superior of the day. There were eleven judges overall in the vocal, orchestra and band categories. Of those eleven "Best of Center" awards, eight of them went to DHS musicians.
Receiving "Best of Center" awards were: Maleah Garwood, euphonium solo; Clara Kittleson and Kelly Minear, flute/clarinet duet; Wind Ensemble Percussion Choir; Nick Vande Krol, baritone vocal solo; Aidan Spencer and Nick Vande Krol, vocal duet; Brad Suhr and Nick Vande Krol, vocal duet; Blake Taylor and Kristy Good, violin/cello duet; Caleb Ulring, Andrew Larson, Gable Lonning and Charles Baldwin, string quartet.
Receiving a Perfect Ballot were Maleah Garwood, euphonium solo; Clara Kittleson and Kelly Minear, flute/clarinet duet; Amanda Taylor and Senia Sikkink, flute duet; Alexis Hove and Isaac Marquardt, saxophone duet; Amanda Taylor, Brenna Herrmann, Anna Kane, Will Yahr, and Forde Nesteby, woodwind quintet; Clarinet Choir; Wind Ensemble Percussion Choir; Parker Fretheim, vocal solo; Nick Vande Krol, vocal solo; Aidan Spencer and Nick Vande Krol, vocal duet; Brad Suhr and Nick Vande Krol, vocal duet; Junior Men's 12; Blake Taylor and Kristy Good, violin/cello duet; Caleb Ulring, Andrew Larson, Gable Lonning and Charlie Baldwin, string quartet; and Blake Taylor and Amanda Taylor, violin/flute duet.
Division I Ratings:
Solos (65)
Flute: Clara Kittleson, Brianna Burke, Amanda Taylor, Annika Krieg
Oboe: Brenna Herrmann, Indigo Fish
Clarinet: Kelly Minear
Saxophone: Isaac Marquardt
Trumpet: Maddy Ihde, Emily Miller
Horn: Hannah Hougen
Trombone: Emma Dambek, Caleb Kvale
Euphonium: Maleah Garwood
Tuba: Fred Paulson, Didrik Lundvedt
Snare Drum: Maria Mertzenich, T.J. Misseldine, Jacob Hrdlicka, Reid Drenth, Linnea Kephart, Micheal Foster, Talia Raddatz, Jonah Pankow, Laura Scholz, Brian Willie
Timpani: McKinley Eide, Micheal Foster
Violin: Caleb Ulring, Blake Taylor
Viola: Gabrielle Bruns
Cello: Timothy Winter, Rebecca Alcock, Katelyn Yee, Maria McDonough
String Bass: Lucas Griesheimer, Trevor Phillips
Soprano: Indigo Fish, Annika Krieg, McKenzie Snyder, Aidan Spencer, Katelyn Yee
Alto: Linnea Carlson, Naomi Davidson, Autumn DeLong, Brianna Doyle, Rita-Marie Guzman, Madelyn Jermier, Linnea Kephart
Tenor: Garret Baumler, Micheal Foster, Parker Fretheim, Loden Henning, Andrew Larson, Gable Lonning, T.J. Misseldine, Brad Suhr, Sean Trewin
Bass: Tyler Dostal, Reese Drenth, Connor Freeman, Adam Knight, Trevor Phillips, Blake Taylor, Nick Vande Krol
Ensembles (75)
Flute Duets: (A. Taylor and Sikkink, Kittleson and Kelley)
Flute Trio: (Munkel, Mitchell, Kingsbury)
Flute Quartet: (T. Schuring, A. Krieg, K. Vande Krol, Peterson)
Flute Sextet (Burke, Kittelson, Sikkink, Taylor, Selig, Hooper)
Saxophone Duets: (Hove and I. Marquardt, Brown and Doyle)
Flute/Clarinet Duets: (Kittleson and Minear, Burke and Wilkie)
Woodwind Trio: (Kittleson, Galligan, Minear)
Woodwind Q5 (A. Taylor, Herrmann, Kane, Yahr, Nesteby)
Trumpet Trio (Ihde, Miller, Bruneau)
Trumpet Sextet: Ihde, Lubke, Miller, Bruneau, Iversen, Peterson
Brass Duets: (Ihde and Garwood, Garwood and Paulson)
Brass Quartet (Iversen, Greco, Dambek, L. Phillips)
Brass Quintet (Ihde, Lubke, Yahr, Dambek, Paulson)
Percussion Duet: Hrdlicka and Eide
Mallet Quartet (Kephart, Scholz, Pankow, Schissel)
Percussion Ensemble (Mertzenich, Kephart, Raddatz, Misseldine, Hrdlicka, Reid Drenth)
Percussion Ensemble (Reid Drenth, Hrdlicka, Foster, Willie, Eide)
Percussion Ensemble (Willie, Shay, Gara Lonning, Scholz, Pankow)
Flute Choir
Clarinet Choir
Saxophone Choir
Wind Ensemble Brass Choir
Wind Ensemble Percussion Choir
Symphonic Band Percussion Choir
String and Wind Duets: (Wold and Griesheimer, Munkel and Alcock, B. Taylor and A.Taylor)
Violin Duets (R. Guzman and Hayes, J. Stock and B. Taylor)
Violin-Viola Duet: (Ulring and Bruns)
Viola Duet: (DeLong and Gossling)
Viola-Cello Duets: (Mensen and J. Iverson, Delong and Gossling)
Violin-Cello Duets: (Ulring and Baldwin, Perez and Yee, B. Taylor and Good)
Cello Duet: (Alcock and McDonough)
Cello Trio (Alcock, Yee, Winter)
String Quartets; (Ulring, Larson, Gable Lonning and Baldwin; Krieger, Walter, Kleckner and Max Sparrow)
String Quintet (A. Voigt, R. Smedsrud, J. Kilarski, Winter, T. Phillips)
Violin Quartet (B. Taylor, Ulring, Dougan, Perez)
Viola Quartet (Bruns, Mensen, Robinson, Fretheim)
9-10 Chamber Orchestra
11-12 Chamber Orchestra
Vocal Duets: (Aidan Spencer and R. Guzman, Aidan Spencer and N. Vande Krol, Mertzenich and Alison Schwartzhoff, Suhr and N. Vande Krol, Anderson and Pool, Hove and Kephart, D. Henning and L. Henning, Gara and Gable Lonning, A. Voigt and Fretheim, Krieg and Carlson, Yee and DeLong
Madrigal Singers (Hayes, Snyder, Aidan Spencer, A. Voigt, Galligan, R. Guzman, Kephart, Mertzenich, Foster, Gable Lonning, Misseldine, Suhr, C. Freeman, Knight, B. Taylor, N. Vande Krol)
CC Chamber Singers
CC Chamber Chorale
CC Chamber Choir
VC Chamber Choir
Senior Women's 9 (Aidan Spencer, Hove, K. Minear, Mertzenich, Kittleson, Hayes, Galligan, R. Guzman, Alison Schwartzhoff)
CC Women's 12 (Miller, Dougan, C. Voigt, G. Cowie, Bruns, Olinger, Blekeberg, Vilardo, Kephart, Kane, Kelley, Gara Lonning)
CC Women's 10 (M. Ihde, Smith, Snyder, Beierle, A. Swanson, Davis, A. Johnson, A. Vande Krol, K. Johnson, Deifelt Streese)
Senior Men's Octet (Misseldine, Suhr, D. Henning, Trewin, Michel, N. Vande Krol, Sherman, B. Taylor)
Men's Trio (Misseldine, Suhr, N. Vande Krol)
CC Men's 7 (Gossman, Imoehl, Nesteby, Svestka, Yahr, Reid Drenth, L. Phillips)
Junior Men's Quartet (Gable Lonning, Foster, Reese Drenth, Knight)
Junior Men's 12 (Fretheim, Holkesvik, Gable Lonning, Foster, Hageman, D. Schuring, Knight, Baldwin, Reese Drenth, Dostal, Kvale, Freeman)
Sophomore Women's 12 (Vanden Brink, A. Voigt, Wahlberg, Krieg, Yee, Breitenstein, Carlson, DeLong, L. Fadness, Womeldorf, Davidson, Doyle)
VC Men's 11 (L. Henning, Larson, Pena, Baumler, Mincks, Skold, T. Phillips, Wilkie, Leeper, Sacquitne, Sullivan)
Ninth Grade Women's 9 (Dahlquist, Brandel, Kerndt, K. Peterson, Monteith, Ellingson, M. Freeman, Jermier, Casterson)
Ninth Grade Men 9 (Brevig, Z. DeVore, M. DeVore, McCain, E. Smedsrud, S. Weis, Leschensky, Wegge, R. Weis)
Division II Ratings:
Solos (63)
Flute: Senia Sikkink, Rachel Selig
Oboe: Courtney Olson
Clarinet: Anna Kane, Miles Wilkie, Ashlynn Franzen
Saxophone: MaKenzie Wieseler, Dalton Brown, Brianna Doyle, Ashley Schwartzhoff, Everett Wegge, Wyatt Anderson, Jacob Skold, Greyson Bryant
Trumpet: Carl Iversen, Tyler Lubke, Lauren Bruneau
French Horn: Will Yahr
Trombone: Lukas Phillips, McKenzie Snyder
Tuba: Karl Sand, Ethan Leeper
Snare Drum: Matt Schissel, Drew Sullivan, Spencer Weis, Henrik Marquardt
Mallets: James Lee, Drew Sullivan
Violin: Lydia Hayes, Andrew Larson, Hannah Donaldson, Carley Marlow, Katie Perez, Rachel Dougan, Cathrine Trumble, Ali Voigt, Garret Baumler
Soprano: Maggie Breitenstein, Camille Dahlquist, Brenna Herrmann, Alexis Hove, Jada Vanden Brink, Anna Spencer, Ali Voigt, Corrina Voigt
Alto: Hannah Donaldson, Laurel Fadness, Mackenzie Freeman, Lara Guzman, Gara Lonning, Emily Womeldorf
Tenor: Ryan Hageman, Steven Holkesvik
Bass: Paul Fadness, Ben Klammer, Caleb Kvale, Justin Pool, Anthony Sherman, Eric Smedsrud, Robert Smedsrud, Everett Wegge, Richard Weis, Tim Winter.
Ensembles (30)
Flute/Oboe Duet: (Minear and Fish)
Flute/Clarinet Duets: (Krieg and Solberg, Davidson and Gara Lonning)
Saxophone Duet: (Gulrud and Ashley Schwartzhoff)
Trumpet Duet: (Bruneau and Miller)
Mixed Brass Duet: (Lubke and Garwood)
Horn Quartet: (Hougen, Suhr, Yahr, Greco)
Trombone Quartet (Dambek, Phillips, Kvale, Snyder)
Percussion Ensemble (H. Marquardt, Weis, Lee, Foster, Swanson, Keck)
Symphonic Brass Choir
String Quartets (A. Swanson, G. Cowie, Hovden, Carlson; Marlow, Zheng, Fretheim, Good)
Viola Quartet (DeLong, Gossling, VandenBrink, Darling)
String Trios (I. Iverson, C. Cowie, Casterton; Hayes, Madi Sparrow, Good; R. Smedsrud, P. Stock, Wickham)
String Duets: (Trumble and Donaldson, Betts and Johanningmeier, Baumler and Carbonell)
Viola Choir
Vocal Duets: (Misseldine and Trewin, Hayes and Suhr, C. Voigt and Smith, Foster and Baldwin, Wahlberg and Breitenstein, A. Voigt and Davidson, Townswick and Schwarz) Ninth Grade Chamber Choir
Senior Mixed Quartet (Aidan Spencer, Hayes, Suhr, N. Vande Krol)
VC Women's 7 (Z. Hooper, Wahlberg, Steinlage, Maguina, Breitenstein, Ashley Schwartzhoff, Kozelka)
VC Women's 9 (Bjerke, Olson, Darling, Bollman, McCabe, Klotzbach, Donaldson, Shay, Holyoake)
Ninth Grade Women's 9 (Fish, M. Minear, L. Ihde, Monroe, C. Cowie, I. Iverson, Hudson, Schwarz, White)