Vesterheim Museum will open a new exhibit Monday, "The World of Jan Brett."
The traveling exhibition brings to life the stories of children's author and illustrator Jan Brett. The exhibition includes original artwork, interactive adventure areas and themed reading environments.
"The World of Jan Brett" features more than 50 original paintings from ten of Jan Brett's bestselling books, including "Gingerbread Friends," "The Umbrella," and "Honey…Honey…Lion!" There is even a super-size Hedgie, a hedgehog that is featured in the pages of many of Jan Brett's best-loved stories.
Jan Brett will be making a special stop in Decorah on November 10th during the tour of her latest book, "Cinders." This presentation and book signing will be from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon in the Decorah High School auditorium. The event is free, but advanced tickets from Vesterheim are required. More information on how to obtain tickets will be available soon.
School groups are welcome at the exhibition. Vesterheim has a list of possibilities for special activities.
For information about the exhibition, special programs, group tours, and Jan Brett's visit, log onto www.vesterheim.org, or call 563-382-9681.