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St. Bendedicts announces updates and programs for new year.

Posted: Thu, Aug 8, 2013 6:09 PM

With facility improvements and security upgrades completed and the implementation of a Digital Learning Environment on the horizon, St. Benedict School is ready to welcome back students.

Facility Updates

Over the past couple years, facility and grounds improvements have been at the forefront of the summer months. This summer was no different, as phase three of window replacements were completed within three classrooms and the staff lounge, painting projects were done, and the usual stripping, washing and waxing of floors and carpets was completed. Windows had been replaced in five other classrooms, and three offices over the previous two years, and plans to complete the project next summer include a final four classrooms. As window replacements are completed, the building's exterior is seeing updates as well, including new fascia and soffit. More landscaping projects have been finished and three new benches are being installed on the school grounds as memorials for Brent Holthaus, Ron Holthaus, and K.J. Hovden. They will compliment last year's addition of a statue of Mary given by the Charles Rooney family and a soon to be completed new backstop on the softball field in memory of Dick Helgeson and Mary Helgeson. In compliance with the requirements of the four-year-old preschool grant, a fence was also installed on the playground.

The school classrooms have also seen updates including new carpets, student cubbies, teacher storage, student tables and desks, staff and student chairs, and utility carts over the past couple years, with plan for more improvements in the future. The hallways are now lined with lockers, new this fall to the school's sixth through eighth graders. The school's art room was updated with a double sink and new countertop last year by Johanningmeier Stone, as well as a kiln vent given by Mary Ann Gloe.

School Security

Committed to the safety of staff and students, St. Benedict School heightened school security this summer with the installation of a surveillance system and access control system by System Security of Waterloo. At the beginning of the school year, visitors to the school will now be given access through the use of an intercom/camera/buzzer system. Key fobs will limit the time of day and areas that can be accessed by those allowed to use the school building. A security audit was completed last spring, new procedures have been developed for emergency situations, and staff will receive training during their pre-service days in August.

Academic Program

The academic program has always been an integral part of what St. Benedict School has to offer, evidenced by the accomplishments of the school's graduates once in high school and by the school's consistently high test scores. Continuing to improve and update curriculum, providing meaningful professional development for staff, and keeping up with technology keeps the school's academic program strong.

Growth and evaluation of teachers has been emphasized, with much time given to teachers working in Professional Learning Communities and focusing on the integration of technology in the classroom. A new religion series was adopted a year ago and the K-8 classrooms are implementing the newest edition of FOSS hands-on science kits. The school is committed to meeting the standards of the Iowa Core and is striving to help students become leaders, problem solvers, and critical thinkers by providing rigorous and relevant activities, which include many extra curricular opportunities, off campus learning experiences, and an emphasis on public speaking.

Digital Learning Environment

St. Benedict School has had a major focus on technology upgrades for the past two years, including the purchase of utility carts, projectors, and document cameras for every classroom, replacing the lab and library with Mac laptops, increasing the number of iPads and laptops in the mobile lab, new laptops for all staff, and placing one iPad for every two students in kindergarten through second grade classrooms, as well as iPads in the preschool classroom.

A Digital Learning Environment will be implemented this fall, providing school-issued iPads to every third through eighth grade student. Staff have been preparing for two years for the DLE implementation, including numerous technology inservices, staff attendance at the Technology Integration in the Classroom Conference the past two summers, visits to other one-to-one schools, participation in the Archdiocesan Technology Curriculum Leadership days, the development of a Technology Leadership Team and DLE Handbook, and increasing access points within the school. This fall, a gamification professional development website will be available to school staff to work on technology skills at their own pace and in areas they feel are personally needed. The site will allow staff to move through levels by earning points for each "mission" they accomplish as they work toward becoming Tech Whizzes. The school reminds parents that the student-issued iPads are tools for learning and will not be in the hands of students all day long. They are meant to level the playing field for all students, allow students to have information at their fingertips at all times, provide students with access to new, relevant learning activities, and prepare them for this technological age. An informational meeting will be held at the beginning of the school year to answer questions and distribute student iPads. The mobile laptop lab will still be available to students throughout the year.

This will mark the first year that all teachers will use online lesson books (, which will allow staff to connect lessons to various benchmarks of the Iowa Core. Teachers will also be creating ePortfolios as part of their evaluation process. The school is also working on ePortfolios for students.

Fourth through eighth grade students will no longer have hard copy assignment books, but instead use Edmodo in the Middle School and In Class online student planners in grades four and five. Various educational apps have been purchased forthe student iPads. Teachers received iPads last school year to prepare for this fall's implementation.

Faith Dimension

The faith dimension of the school continues to be strong with day long retreats in each grade level introduced two years ago and a new religion series implemented last year. Weekly mass will continue in the school gymnasium on Fridays at 9:00, including Ash Wednesday's mass at church again this school year. School units also lead weekend mass once each month during the school year.

New service projects are always being sought. The annual Can Mountain Day will again be held in October for Habitat for Humanity and the Food Pantry will reap the benefits of a collection by the school during the year, as well as each grade level conducting an ongoing service project throughout the year. Kindergarten through second graders will continue to visit the area nursing homes each month. Likewise, a school-wide service project will be held during the seasons of Advent and Lent. The school places emphasis on living the Gospel, treating others with kindness and respect, and helping those in need.

St. Benedict School serves students in three-year-old preschool through eighth grade and reminds families that students of all faith backgrounds are welcomed. An updated Facebook page (Decorah St. Benedict School) offers many pictures of the activities and events of the past school year. A new school website will be published in the next couple weeks. For now, the current site remains at The school is currently accepting new registrations. Call 563-382-4668 with questions or contact Principal Dana Holkesvik via email at