During the public comment time at the Decorah Community School Board meeting Monday night, board members listened to Dan Baldwin express concerns about a the Go-Hawk Cross Country Classic in Waverly on September 4. Baldwin stated that he had not gotten satisfactory responses to his inquiries from meet officials, but that Adam Riley from Decorah High School had confirmed that several athletes, including one Decorah runner, were transported to the hospital related to heat-related illnesses. Baldwin said it was an extremely hot day, and that although Decorah athletes had been given the option not to run, students will usually elect to participate. Several Decorah runners did elect not to run at the event.
Baldwin noted that meet cancellation is not mandated by the IHSAA unless the heat index reaches 130 degrees. He contends that is not a safe point and puts athletes in jeopardy. He suggested that the schools purchase thermo-hygrometers to aid in monitoring dangerous conditions. Baldwin said there was a "developing trend I will call the routinization of sixteen-year-old heat exhaustion, dehydration, and overnight hospital stays, as a reasonable price to pay for fielding a high school cross country team, or any athletic squad."
There was considerable discussion on the matter, and various reports about what the event was like. One board member had a child who ran in the meet. Although the Board did not take specific action, the school will obtain at least two hygrometers and continue to discuss the situation.