1989 Luther College graduate Marty Monson has been named CEO/Executive Director of the Barbershop Harmony Society, an international a cappella music organization headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee.
Monson earned a BA degree in Business with a focus on Arts Management from Luther College in 1989. He has been a member of the Barbershop Harmony Society since graduating from Luther. The society has 29,000 members in North America and nine other countries.
Monson has served as president of the Great Northern Union chorus, the Society's Hilltop, Minnesota chapter. His leadership has helped to transform the 120-member chorus into one of the Society's most dynamic organizations, which was twice honored as the international silver medalist chorus.
"The education I received at Luther provided a strong foundation to pursue my passion for arts and education," said Monson. "Many of the high quality experiences I had in Norsemen, Nordic Choir, theater, dance and festival coordination at Luther College gave me the opportunities to gain insight into the performance and administrative aspects of arts organizations. Professors Weston Noble and Bob Larson helped to provide many of these opportunities."
Monson will begin his CEO/Executive duties in Nashville on August 13th.