"Springs of Peace" is a grass-roots initiative in memory of 2010 Luther College graduate Sylvia Gift Nabukeera, who disappeared in Nairobi, Kenya on June 24th last year on her way back to her home town of Jjongoza, Uganda.
Nabukeera's body was found dead weeks later, with the circumstances of her death still unknown.
A group of Luther students has now begun to raise donations and write grant applications. The group is attempting to raise $20,000 to build 20 rainwater harvesting tanks in Sylvia's village.
Springs of Peace is working in partnership with the Jjongoza Rotary Community Corps to provide access to clean and potable water to the community. The group has set a goal of raising half of the $20,000 goal--in other words, $10,000--by the end of 2012.
Visit http://springsofpeace.wordpress.com/about/ to find out more about Springs of Peace.