Bob Anderson, Director of the Raptor Resource Project, has released the following statement regarding the death of one of the Decorah eaglets.
"Early Sunday 7/1/12 morning one of the three young Decorah eaglets was discovered dead under a nearby power pole. Very probably electrocuted. We put out a call to Decorah residents that work with Alliant Energy and within minutes one Alliant Energy employee returned my call and agreed to immediately meet me at the site. On his day off he took a Alliant Energy bucket truck and installed a temporary insulation shield. On Monday morning an Alliant Energy crew returned to the nest tree area and worked on several power poles near the nest tree installing permanent insulation to prevent future avian problems.
As far we we know this is the first known death of any of the 14 young eagles fledged from the famous Decorah nest, but it will not be the last for a host of reasons. Even with all of the modern technology used to prevent avian interactions with electric power distribution there is the occasional situation where a bird is electrocuted."