It comes as no surprise that June was warmer and drier than average. Below are the statistics released by Decorah weather statistician Richard Bernatz.
• Record temperature set in June 2012: Maximum minimum of 75◦ F on the 18th. Previous Record was 72◦ F in 1929.
• Twenty-six days with a maximum temperature greater than average.
• Average temperature : 72.0◦ F (4.0◦ F warmer than average)
• Warmest temperature : 95◦ F on the 27th and 28th
• Coldest temperature : 41◦ F on the 1st
All Junes Since 1894 (data for 1909 and 1921 are missing)
• Compared with June 2012, 12 Junes were warmer, and 104 Junes were cooler
• Warmest average : 76.2◦ F in 1911
• Coldest average : 61.5◦ F in 1926
• Warmest temperature : 105◦ F on the 20th of 1911 and on the 29th of 1910
Coldest temperature : 27◦ F on the 3rd of 1946
• Total precipitation for June 2012 : 1.58 inches, 3.01 inches less than the average precipitation of 4.59 inches
• Six days with measurable precipitation, the average is between 10 and 11 days
• Greatest 24-hour total : 0.79 inches on the 21st
All Junes: 1894 - 2012 (data missing for 1909 and 1921)
• Compared with June 2012, 106 Junes were wetter and 9 Junes were drier
• Wettest June: 14.10 inches in 2008
• Driest June : 0.05 inches in 1910