(We're introducing a new feature to decorahnews.com. "Bright Idea" allows readers and our reporters to suggest ideas that they think make sense for improving our community. If you have a "bright idea," e-mail it to news@decorahnews.com)
The City of Decorah did a wonderful job several years ago in cushioning the impact on local businesses affected by the Water Street Project. But this time around for the Short Street Project, it seems like the businesses affected by the detour have been left to fend for themselves.
And, make no mistake about it, it has been difficult to reach some of the businesses during the detour. Trying to find Ladybug Landscape and Floral or Bartlett Electric? Well, you can get there--but it will take an effort. Trying to get ot Storey Kenworthy or the second location of Sims TV & Electronics? You'll have to pass a sign that says "Road Closed." Want to use the Decorah Bank & Trust drive-through? Let's hope you're coming from the east!
So here's today's "Bright Idea"--putting up directional signs that show the way to these businesses. Or maybe signs that say "Businesses still Open" and point the way to get there.
Yes, Short Street will be wonderful when the construction is completed. But Short Street businesses shouldn't be asked to suffer a huge loss of business while construction is going on.
It wouldn't take a lot of money or effort to put up a few directional signs during the detour process. Not everyone driving through the detour is a Decorah native who knows exactly what combination of streets to drive on to get to Ladybug.
Putting up directional signs to businesses during the Short Street detour--today's "Bright Idea."