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Luther wins $1.5 million science education grant

Posted: Thu, May 24, 2012 7:06 PM
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The Howard Hughes Medical Institute announced  it has selected Luther College as one of 47 small colleges and universities in the United States to receive grants totaling more than $50 million that will enable the schools to work together to create more engaging science classes, bring real-world research experiences to students and increase the diversity of students who study science.

Each four-year grant is in the range of $800,000 to $1.5 million, funds that will have a big impact at these primarily undergraduate institutions. Luther College has been awarded a $1.5 million grant and is one of eight schools receiving a first-time HHMI award.
Robert Tjian, HHMI President, stated that the small size of most of these schools can make them more nimble than larger research universities and better able to quickly develop and test new ideas.

Luther is one of five schools to receive a HHMI award in the Preparing Future K-12 Teachers program. Others were Lewis & Clark College - $1 million, St. Olaf College - $1 million, University of Puerto Rico - $900,000, and Whittier College - $800,000.
Awards were granted to support strategies that include providing authentic research experiences to students who will become teachers, engaging undergraduates in K-12 outreach activities and creating joint faculty appointments shared by education and science departments.

Tjian said a key component of the HHMI grant program is the incentive for these institutions to work collaboratively.

"Collaboration is a vital activity that drives science forward," said Tjian. "We believe that collaboration among institutions can have a similar catalytic effect on science education, and we look forward to seeing these schools work together to develop new science and teaching programs that inspire their students."

Luther President Richard Torgerson spoke about the excitement and enthusiasm the HHMI grant has generated on campus.

"We are deeply grateful to HHMI for this award that will provide extraordinary opportunity and resources to link two of Luther's signature programs — the sciences and teacher education," President Torgerson said.

"Collectively, the science departments and education department graduate over 25 percent of Luther students.  The HHMI award provides a major boost to new initiatives that will transform science education and prepare our students to become future teacher-leaders in science education in the nation's secondary and elementary schools," he said.
President Torgerson noted that Luther recently completed a $30 million expansion and renovation of its science facilities, which are designed to encourage and promote student-faculty interaction both within and outside the classroom and laboratory. The initiatives funded by the HHMI award will accelerate and enhance those interactions between the science and education disciplines.

Sean B. Carroll, vice president of science education at HHMI, stated that the award is an investment in the colleges and universities that are developing these innovative approaches.
"What happens during the undergraduate years is vital to the development of the student, whether she will be a scientist, a science educator, or a member of society who is scientifically curious and literate," Carroll said.

"HHMI is investing in these schools because they have shown they are superb incubators of new ideas and models that might be replicated by other institutions to improve how science is taught in college," he said. "We know that these schools have engaged faculty. They care deeply about teaching and how effectively their students are learning about science."
President Torgerson lauded the work of the Luther team of faculty and staff who developed the proposal for the science-education initiatives to be funded by the HHMI award.

More than 30 Luther faculty members from seven academic departments were involved in the conversations leading to a comprehensive grant proposal that was developed over five months during the summer and fall of 2011. The result of that interdisciplinary collaboration was a proposal with initiatives that are outcomes-based, grounded in research, and designed to prepare leaders in science education.

"I commend our faculty leaders for the extraordinary time and energy they devoted to completing this winning proposal," said President Torgerson. "The proposed initiatives build from institutional strengths and reflect important academic priorities.  The process has also generated a timely focus on science education and stimulated thoughtful dialogue and creative strategies."

Photo: Luther College team of faculty and staff who developed the proposal for the science education initiative that has received a $1.5 million Howard Hughes Medical Institute award includes: (front, left to right) Mark Eichinger, associate professor of biology; Scott Carlson, associate professor of biology; Jodi Enos-Berlage, associate professor of biology; Eric Baack, assistant professor of biology; (back) Barb Bohach, associate professor of education; Deb Fordice, assistant professor of education; Richard Bernatz, professor of mathematics; Jeanie Lovell, director of corporate and foundation relations; Brad Chamberlain, associate professor of chemistry; Birgitta Meade, instructor in education; (not pictured) Jim Langholz, associate professor of education; Deborah Norland, professor of education; Erin Flater, assistant professor of physics.