Not one. but two events are being planned to welcome members of the 322nd Engineering Battalion back to Decorah. The unit is expected to arrive back in the United States from Afghanistan in the first half of the month of January.
Because the soldiers are anxious to reunite with their families, no formal ceremonies are planned on the day of their return. Instead the American Legion, Sons of the Legion and Legion Auxiliaries and the 322nd Family Readiness Group are planning a family event the day before the soldiers' return.
The groups will use the Decorah Elks Lodge to hold activities for children, including crafts and storytelling. Children will be able to make welcome home signs for their parents. Movies will be shown. Maidrites, hot dogs, fruit and bars will be served.
After the soldiers are home, an awards ceremony for the soldiers will be scheduled some time in the next three months.
American Legion Auxiliary President Ranelle Bolson is asking for cash donations to help pay for both events. Volunteers are also needed.
Contact Bolson at (563) 379-5584, drop a donation off at the Decorah Lutheran Church office where Bolson works or send donations to Bolson at 2610 143rd Ave., Decorah, IA 52101. Checks can be made out to American Legion Auxiliary No. 163.