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Latest shipment of cookies heads to troops in Afghanistan

Posted: Tue, Sep 20, 2011 5:06 PM
Boy Scout Alex Michels at the post office with the 12 boxes of cookies being sent out

The latest shipment of cookies has been sent to the Decorah-based troops on deployment in Afghanistan.

This is the third shipment of cookies.  The first mailing was five boxes, the second shipment was 10 boxes and now the third shipment is 12 boxes.

Cookies were donated from Decorah residents including residents of Oneota Village, Wellington Place and Luther College.  32 dozen cookies were baked on Saturday by Boy Scouts Scott Zafft and Alex Michels with Diane Sadler and Mary Jane Michels helping the boys with baking, bagging and boxing up the cookies.  The shipment also included cards of appreciation from St Benedict's 3-5 graders, DeSales 3rd graders and Luther College students.  

There will be one more shipment of cookies, with the final baking day scheduled for Saturday, October 15th.