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first on Luther names Chris Norton honorary captain of first home football game

Posted: Wed, Aug 31, 2011 3:28 PM

For Chris Norton, one of the benefits of being back on campus is the ability to hang out with his college friends and to be a part of the football team.

The feeling is mutual.  Luther Head Football Coach Mike Durnin, the rest of the football staff and the Luther football players have contacted Chris and asked him to be an honorary team captain for the first home football game at Luther on September 10th.  

In a post on Chris' Caring Bridge website, his mother, Deb, said: "That night in the waiting room at Mayo when we were told Chris had only a 3 percent chance of ever having movement below the neck literally knocked us to our knees.  Now, in under a year's time, we can watch the miracle that is taking place as prayers are being answered and Chris continues to recover.  We still have a long ways to go, but he is fighting forward every day."