You might not think of convenience stores as places to go to get healthy foods. But the change in eating habits is affecting convenience stores as well as restaurants.
Now Kwik Star has announced its stores in Northeast Iowa will have green Gundersen Lutheran 500 Club labels on food for consumers looking for healthier, balanced diets.
The 500 Club is a healthy eating program coordinated by Gundersen Lutheran registered dietitians and recommended by physicians. Selections are controlled in fat and calories.
Last fall 21 Kwik Trip stores in the La Crosse area began the Gundersen Lutheran 500 Club program. Now 30 more stores, including those in Decorah, Calmar, Cresco, Lansing, McGregor, Waukon, Spring Grove, Caledonia, Hokah, La Crescent and Rushford, have joined the partnership as well.
Kwik Trip is making more fruits, vegetables and lower fat sandwiches available. Says Gundersen Lutheran 500 Club specialist Jennifer Wood, "Now consumers can quickly identify 500 Club items by their label. It is an easy way to eat healthy."
Food retailers and restaurants in Northeast Iowa interested in becoming a 500 Club member can contact Gundersen Lutheran at (608) 775-2357.