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ExCel Scholarship Applications Available

Posted: Sun, Feb 27, 2011 2:53 PM
(Left to right) Some of the students receiving previous ExCel grants: Rita Marie Guzman, ExCel committee member Peggy Beatty, Pearl Faldet, Erica Bjelland and Paul Sullivan.

ExCel Endowment Fund grant applications are now available for Decorah students in grades 6-11. The applications can be accessed online at the Decorah Community School District's website at Click the "Scholarships" link on the home page to access the application.

ExCel is an arm of the Decorah Community School District Foundation, and awards grants to students who are pursuing summer opportunities. Depending on funding availability, priority is given to students attending programs in academic and technical fields, followed by those in fine arts. Students currently in grades 6 through 11 and enrolled in the Decorah schools are eligible. This includes students who are home-schooled but supervised by the DCS and students enrolled in St. Benedict Elementary School.

During the 2010 school year ExCel grants totaling $3,700 were awarded to 17 Decorah area students for summer enrichment programs.

Students meeting the above qualifications are invited to view the program criteria and application online. Completed applications must be returned to the Central Administrative Office by Friday, April 29th. Awards will be announced the following week. Questions may be directed to Peggy Beatty, ExCel committee chairperson, at 382-2574 or Anyone interested in donating to the ExCel fund may also contact Beatty.