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Trout Run Trail construction bids come in way under budget

Posted: Mon, Feb 21, 2011 9:05 PM

The City of Decorah continues to get good news about the cost of the Trout Run Trail.

Bids were opened Monday on Segments 8 & 9--the two remaining segments except for the bridge over Highway 9. City Engineer Lindsay Erdman had estimated it would cost $603,000 for the project. Four bids were submitted--and each and every one of them was under the estimated cost.

In the end, it was a bid from Skyline Construction for $404,915--just over two-thirds of the estimated cost--that was accepted. Erdman thanked Skyline, as well as J.B. Holland, Reilly Construction and Quad County of Dorchester, for their bids, which he said were all "significantly lower" than expected.