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Contributions to the family of Nabby Baffour-Awuah being accepted.

Posted: Sun, Jan 9, 2011 9:19 PM

The Luther College Office of Campus Ministry has begun accepting memorial donations for the family of Nabby Baffour-Awuah to assist with travel costs and other expenses. 

Nabby was a senior at Luther from Tema, Ghana.  He died some time during the early morning hours of Saturday, January 1st.   His body was discovered in the softball field area at Luther.  The cause of his death is yet to be determined.  Local and state medical and law enforcement officials are investigating the death.

Donations should be sent to "College Ministries, Luther College, 700 College Drive, Decorah, Iowa 52101," payable to "Luther College Congregation" with a note or indication on the memo line, "Nabby's Memorial."  Donations may also be dropped at the College Ministries Office in the CFL. 

Because the donations are designated for an individual/family, they are not tax deductible by IRS guidelines. 

Luther's Office for College Ministries will forward donations to Nabby's family on behalf of the community.