Luther College's 150th anniversary will be celebrated in a unique way--a 150 kilometer relay race.
The race is being organized by Rachel Vagts, David Reed-Maxfield and Matt Hughes. Hughes says the idea for a relay race came because of a desire to have an event involving the Halfway Creek Church, which is a Holmen, Wisconsin church where Luther College began.
Says Hughes, "Given that the theme of the Sesquicentennial is 'Transformed by the Journey', someone (afraid I don't know who) thought that we should do an actual journey and stage a run from the church to Decorah."
The run will start at Halfway Creek Church in Holmen, Wisconsin, run along part of the Great River Trail, cross the Mississipi River at Winona, Minnesota, wind through a few valleys to Rushford, Minnesota, where there will be an overnight stay. The next day the relay race will head to Lanesboro, south through Canton, and then down to Decorah, ending at the Red Barn.