Luther College has named Dean Anderson the recipient of the 2010 Weston H. Noble Award for distinguished achievement in the field of vocal music.
Anderson is a 1971 graduate of Luther. At Luther he performed in Nordic Choir and was a Messiah soloist. Anderson holds the master of music degree from California State University in Fullerton and the doctoral degree in education from Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Anderson served as adjunct professor at North Arizona State University, was the founder of the Arizona Young People's Chorus, has contributed to the Music Educators National Journal, was state president of the Choral Directors of Arizona and a faculty member of the International Baccalaureate Music Program. He hosted the 1998 Weston Noble National Tribute Concert at Lincoln Center, honoring Noble's 50th anniversary year at Luther College and his 75th birthday.
His choirs have performed in Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center in New York City and in Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, Detroit and Phoenix.