17 locations around the City of Decorah would be connected with fiber optic cabling under a proposed fiber network project that could be largely financed with federal stimulus funds.
The "DecorahMetroNet" group met Thursday evening at Decorah City Hall to discuss the project. Dave Lunemann of Fiber Utilities Group helped facilitate a discussion concerning the project and how the community could fund the communications network.
The overall project budget is $742,670. 70 percent of that cost would be paid through the "Broadband Technology Opportunities Program," which was set up by the Obama Administration as part of the Stimulus Act. The program is intended to strengthen broadband capabilities, especially in rural areas of America.
30 percent of the budget--or $222,801--would have to come from local funds. However, Winneshiek County, the City of Decorah, Decorah Schools and Winneshiek Medical Center are all involved in the funding discussion.
The project, if it comes together, would be completed by the middle of 2013. While the first phase would connect the 17 governmental offices and facilities, local officials are also discussing the possibility of renting space on the fiber network to companies interested in providing fiber optic Internet service to private individuals. That's because the fiber network will be built with 72-count fiber--and the first phase will require just 3 of those 72 fibers.