The election is finally over and now there are thousand of campaign signs everywhere that are not needed. Throwing them in the garbage is not the best choice, says Winneshiek County Recycling Coordinator Terry Buenzow.
The first choice for getting rid of them, says Buenzow, is to see if the candidate or party backing them would like them back for use in another election. This is a common practice, especially if the signs have no date and the candidate will be running again. Campaign signs are quite durable but also expensive to make. This helps reduce the cost of a future run.
The other choice is to bring them to the Winneshiek County Recycling Center. The metal stakes will be recycled with the tin cans and the sign itself has a beneficial use in the processing of some other materials. Most campaign signs are made of a corrugated plastic sheet or laminated heavy paper. It is the perfect material for use on the ends of bales of textiles and some types of plastic. Seed corn signs work well, too.
A container for the signs has been set up in the drop-off building in front of the recycling center. It will stay there at least until the end of November.