The League of Women Voters of Upper Iowa and the Decorah area chapter of the American Association of University Women have announced plans for a candidates forum at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 12th, at Decorah City Hall.
Candidates for state, federal and local public offices have been invited to participate in the forum. The first hour of the candidates forum will include candidates for state representative districts 15 and 16, for U.S. Senate, and for U.S. District 4 representative. The second part of the forum will include candidates for Winneshiek County Board of Supervisors (Districts 1 and 2 ), county treasurer, county recorder and county attorney.
All candidates will be given up to 4 minutes to introduce themselves and speak about their qualifications and/or positions on issues. They will then respond to written questions from the audience which will be screened by a committee of the co-sponsors. All questions will be asked by a moderator.
There is no cost to attend and the public is welcome. Voter registration and absentee ballot requests will be available at the forum site.
KDEC radio will broadcast the forum live on their AM 1240 station. The forum can been seen in a delayed broadcast on local cable access channel (check local listings).
decorahnews.com will have coverage of the candidates' speeches following the forum.
For more information, contact Lise at 563-382-8483 or Mary Lou at 563-382-3855.