Close, but not quite. Decorah residents Britney Bakken and John Kjome finished second and fifth, respectively, in the "Dream Big Grow Here" contest sponsored by MyEntre.net. The contest was for entrepreneurs and small businesses in Iowa and gave them a chance to win $1,000 to help their business to grow in Iowa.
Bakken is starting a business, "Eat and Be Merry," which will cook meals and deliver them to families and the elderly. She will focus on cooking with local and organic foods, providing nutritious and tasty meals to busy families and the elderly.
Kjome's Clearfork Stoneworks in Decorah creates furniture and furnishings incorporating clay, stone, glass, metal and reclaimed wood Kjome is trying to win a $1,000 grant that would allow him to develop an effective web site to reach customers.
MyEntre.net staffer Dan Breenen said, "Congratultions to Alan Morrison of AM Guitar Repair in Davenport, Iowa. He ran a great campaign, as did all of our entrants and won a very close vote with our second place entrant, Britney Bakken. The two were back and forth all day on the last day of voting, and it was pretty exciting to watch unfold."