Heroes often do their duties without being told thank you. Mentoring Programs at Helping Services recently thanked two local groups for their hard work. On Thursday, June 17th the US Army and Decorah Fire Department were guests at a picnic at Phelps Park in Decorah. The picnic was attended by 90 mentees, family members, and mentors.
Staff Sergeant Peach and Specialist Fedotovski brought a Hummer to the event. Youth and adults asked many questions to the Army representatives. Each youth received key chains, footballs, or water bottles. Many youth and adults took turns sitting in the Hummer and posing for pictures.
The Decorah Fire Department brought two units to the picnic. Many children were fascinated by the gear firefighters used and took turns trying on helmets and fire suits. Firefighters Lee Bjerke and Darin Sanders were very happy answering questions, showing off their equipment, and talking about safety with participants.
"I was so excited to see the fire truck and Hummer pull into our picnic! I am so proud we could offer this opportunity for the youth in our programs." shared Rosa Grant, one of the mentoring coordinators at Helping Services.
Mentoring programs offer events regularly for program participants. Mentors are asked to spend 4-5 hours per month with their youth doing things they both enjoy. Mentoring is a way to become another local hero for a youth in your community
To become involved in this fun way to help out area youth, contact Kathy Schwartzhoff or Rosa Grant at Helping Services 563-387-1720 or visit www.helpingservices.org.