37 high school guidance counselors from across the state toured Northeast Iowa Community College's Calmar campus as part of the Rediscovering Iowa's Diverse Education (R.I.D.E.) program.
The counselors volunteered their time to observe college classrooms and lab areas at NICC with the goal of preparing high school students for post-secondary academics. NICC staff members gave tours and demonstrations in the nursing lab, cosmetology, massage therapy and John Deere program areas, and The Dairy Center. NICC Calmar student enrollment manager Martha Keune said the tours gave the college an extra opportunity to share information about the college's successful associate degree transfer and vocational programs with the group.
In addition to NICC, the counselors visited Luther College, North Iowa Area Community College, Upper Iowa University, Wartburg College, Waldorf College, University of Northern Iowa, Kaplan University, Allen College and Hawkeye Community College.