RSVP Director Kathy Barloon is announcing the launching of the RSVP Friendly Visiting Program. The program will match volunteers ages 55 and older with a homebound person based on their mutual interests and location. The volunteers can engage in a favorite hobby with the homebound person, play games, read the newspapers, deliver books from the local library or just spend time sitting and visiting and keeping the person in touch with their community.
Volunteers will go through a background check and special training before becoming certified as a RSVP Friendly Visitor. The program is open to persons residing in Allamakee, Howard and Winneshiek County.
RSVP staff will visit the homebound person to determine their needs and interests and then match them with a certified friendly visitor. There will be a trial period to give both the homebound person and the visitor a chance to get to know each other and decide if this is something they want to continue.
RSVP Friendly visitors do not provide respite care, transportation, medical assistance, housekeeping or meal preparation – they are there to be a friend to the homebound person.
If you would like more information about the new home visiting program, contact the Northeast Iowa RSVP office at 382-3717 or call toll free (877) 806-0623.