Decorah's Toys Go 'Round is looking for help in moving over 1,000 toys in preparation for a painting project over the 4th of July holiday. Toys Go 'Round will be closed starting July 2nd through July 9th.
In an effort to help with moving of toys and shelves for the painters, TGR board members are asking that Toys Go 'Round members come in over the next two weeks in June and check out lots and lots of toys, games and videos and keep them until July 10th or the week of July 12th.
The project is sponsored in part by the Winneshiek County Community Foundation and the Decorah Public Library. Anyone who wishes to become a new member of Toys Go 'Round may do so by visiting the toy library. Toys Go 'Round is open from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Tuesdays and Saturdays and from 3:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays.
The toy library is located in the lower level of the Decorah Public Library. Toys Go 'Round will be having a painter's special on one year memberships. Anyone coming in to take out a new membership during the month of June will receive a discount of $10.00 off a family membership and $5.00 off a grandparent membership.