Registration is now open for the first two sessions of "Tales to Tails" at Decorah Public Library.
Kids in grades 1-5 can sign up to read aloud to Magni, a nationally-certified therapy dog, for 20-minute time slots between 10 a.m. and noon on Friday, June 25th and Friday, July 9th. Given that there are only 10 total time slots available between the two days, children are asked to sign up just once; there will be many opportunities for return visits in the future. Kids or caregivers can register by calling 382-3717 or stopping by the library's front desk.
Once time slots for the June 25th and July 9th sessions are full, library staff will start a wait list for additional Friday morning sessions in July and August. People on the wait list will be given first priority for upcoming program time slots. Families are also welcome to provide suggestions about additional days/ times that their families would like to attend reading sessions. After-5 and Saturday sessions will be added in the future.
For more information or to register, call 563-382-3717 or email ktorresdal@decorah.lib.ia.us.