When tourism expert Roger Brooks visited Decorah last year, he said most communities settle for general slogans that end up doing nothing to distinguish their town from dozens of other "friendly communities."
The push and pull between a slogan that highlights specific attractions and a slogan that is general enough to highlight all attractions is very real. Here are two reader e-mails on the topic:
Sherry says, "i'm still for ..."you'll like decorah"
your specific/general comments noted, it seems like trying to use the trails theme really does leave a lot out... and you don't want to be accused of trying to take some Lanesboro's thunder. Decorah has so much more to offer for so many reasons... seems like you could get a more varied list that includes more than an exercise & shopping destination. We've got great restaurants, the college, museums, parks, the monastery, fishing, Nordic Fest & not to mention all the great things that have started over the past few years (ArtHaus, food & fitness thing, local local local movement, community... come for the weekend, return for a lifetime. I think a lot of us from Decorah don't realize how unique it is to come to a town, be treated like family. Decorah really is a welcoming community.. and that makes folk want to come back."
Meanwhile, Peter has the opposite opinion:
I sure hope somebody runs whatever the group deciding this chooses by Roger Brooks. The city paid a bunch of money to get the guy here and it would be stupid not to have him sign off on the thing, don't you think? I know, I'm blunt, but I've seen too many good consultants give good advice that wasn't ultimately followed and probably should have been.
Thanks to everyone who has taken part in this discussion!