Northeast Iowa Community College is reporting increases in its summer enrollment, both in terms of enrollment numbers and credit hours.
This summer NICC had a record headcount of 2,276 enrolled students, or 13 percent more students this summer semester compared to the same time in 2009. It marked the fourth consecutive semester of double-digit enrollment growth.
Credit hour enrollment increased from 12,283 credit hours last summer semester to 14,758 credit hours this summer semester. That's an increase of 20 percent.
NICC officials credit the economic and employment situation, the college's affordability and quality, and efforts to retain students until they graduate as key reasons for the rising enrollment at NICC.
NICC officials also say credit hours in online courses increased by 49 percent this summer, compared to the same time in 2009. Students enroll in online classes or programs because of their flexibility, identical cost savings to traditional face-to-face classes and self-directed approach to learning. NICC now offers 13 different programs completely online, including Associate in Applied Science degrees in Agriculture Business, Business Specialist, Entrepreneurial Cosmetology and Health Information Technology; Associate in Arts degrees in Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Psychology and a general Associate in Arts transfer degree; a diploma program in Medical Transcriptionist and Coding Specialist and three different certificate programs in Ag Business.