17 students from Wartburg College and Waverly High School visited The Spectrum Network in Decorah recently to interview contributors to "From My Perspective: Essays about Disability." The students studied the book for a class offered by the Wartburg College Social Work Department during Wartburg's spring semester.
The book includes essays by 17 authors who have a disability or provide support as a parent or other caregiver.
Co-editors Rachel Faldet and Kris Schanilec and Spectrum Network Executive Director Toni Smith talked with the students about the editing process that led to publication of the book.
The book was chosen as a classroom text by Dr. Tammy Faux, an assistant professor of Social Work at Wartburg College who is a Luther College alumnus. "As a classroom tool, 'From My Perspective' opens up a new way of looking at how people with different abilities live," said Faux.
For more information about the book or to purchase a copy, call 563-382-8401