Superintendent Mike Haluska told school board members Monday night that a combination of cuts from this year, cuts for next year and staffing reductions (allowed by natural attrition and early retirements) will save the district about $1.1 million. He said his intent in budgeting is to "utilize the ability to establish cash reserves in order to back fill potential losses for the 2010-11 budget, along with staffing reductions that will allow sustainability over the next few years."
Numerous staffing reductions will be accomplished as teachers shuffle to new positions, previous positions are eliminated or reduced to part time, and multiple teacher associate positions are eliminated. In one case, a long term substitute plan will save dollars. Most of the staffing plans have been determined and Haluska has shared plans with the teaching staff. One reduction will be in the K-2 spectrum, reducing total sections from 16 to 15. It is not yet determined if the section will be in first or second grade. As reductions were debated, one of the major considerations was related to retaining a focus on reading development.