Luther College nursing student Lindsay Pruis was riding in a bus when the earthquake struck Haiti on January 12th. At first she didn't notice anything because the road they were riding on was so bumpy.
But then she says she heard screaming and knew something was wrong. She saw several people who were killed when a wall fell on them. So Pruis, who was in Haiti during January to work at a school and an orphanage, joined a group of other volunteers who headed to Port-au-Prince where they set up a makeshift first aid station in a stadium. "People were dying everywhere," she told a Luther College audience Wednesday night. "We were walking over dead bodies," she says. Although she didn't have a lot of medical experience at that point, she pitched in and helped many people who had massive injuries.
Pruis has returned to Luther now, but she hasn't forgotten her experiences in Haiti. She encouraged Wednesday night's audience to continue to help the people of Hait. "We are making a difference," she told the group.