A last-minute, large donation of $8,500 will enable the United Way of Winneshiek County to provide 100 percent of the funding it promised to 17 local agencies.
Just days after the local United Way chapter announced it was $8,000 short of the amount it needed, it received an unexpected donation of $8,500, according to United Way Board President Maureen Yahr.
"A pledge we did not think we would be getting came through from the anonymous donor in the amount of $8,500," Yahr said, adding, "This will allow us to meet our allocation goal."
Although the allocation pledge has now been reached, the 2009 campaign is still about $7,500 shy of the overall campaign goal of $145,000.
While the allocation amount to the agencies has been met in the 2009 campaign, effort will be made to continue trying to reach the overall goal, said Sara Hotvedt, the 2009 United Way campaign chair.
Donations can be mailed to United Way of Winneshiek County, P.O. Box 165, Decorah, Iowa, or donations of less than $100 can be made online at www.unitedwaywinnco.org.
Agencies funded in part by the 2009 United Way campaign include: Alternative Treatment Associates, American Red Cross Tri-County Unit, the Girl Scouts, Helping Services for Northeast Iowa, Nisse PreSchool, Northeast Iowa Community Action, Northland Agency on Agency and Opportunity Homes. Also funded are Ossian DeSales Day Care, Pine Bluff 4-H Camp, The Spectrum Network, Sunflower Child Care and Preschool, Toys go 'Round Lending Library, WMC Farmers Market Senior Nutrition Program, Winnebago Council Boy Scouts and Winneshiek County ARC.