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Wapsie Produce to close

Posted: Tue, Jan 12, 2010 8:00 AM

Wapsie Produce Inc. officials in Decorah have announced they will end production and close their business on January 29th.

Wapsie Produce, Inc. is America's largest producer and marketer of capons. It was founded in 1958 by Carl Nichols, then managed by his sons Marc and Paul and his grandsons, BJ and Craig. Wapsie Produce markets capons under its own Minowa and Ioma labels, as well as under private labels for selected companies.

Capons are produced beginning each spring with delivery of the newly hatched roosters. Production continues through the fall to meet holiday demand.

The plant now used by Wapsie Produce has been a poultry processing plant since 1903. Wapsie Produce officials say an effort is being made to sell the facility to a qualified buyer.

The closing of the plant will leave around 90 employees without a job.