I used to think Chris Norton is one of the most impressive people I know. But now I think that title must go to his parents, instead.
You probably know Chris' story by now--how he was paralyzed from the neck down by a football accident at Luther College in October of 2010 and how he has battled back since then and proven all the medical predictions wrong.
But you might not know how much his success is also due to his family members--his sister, who moved to Decorah to help Chris during his physical therapy sessions--and his mother and father, who have given him the love and support that has sustained him as he recovers from paralysis.
Until Wednesday night, I had not heard the story of his father's support in the early days of treatment at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Doctors were telling Chris he would never recover from paralysis. One doctor even refused to do a test when Chris told the doctor he thought he could move the big toe on his left foot.
Here's what Chris' dad, Terry, said: "Do not let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do."
Another speaker Wednesday night at Luther College, Decorah High School sophomore Lydia Dawley, who has cerebral palsy, also spoke of the support of loving parents. She said her parents have never said "Lydia can't." Instead, they have fought for their daughter at every step of the way.
What a blessing it is for a young person to have parents who are there to support and encourage. Cerebral palsy? Paraylsis? Here's what Lydia says about facing adversity:
"Everyone is capable--if you believe in them"