Letter to the Editor: Decorah residents should oppose the latest recommendation of the city's Sustainability Committee
Posted: Fri, Dec 4, 2020 8:37 AM
(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Dave Ohlert of Decorah):
"It seems that Alliant energy is doing everything it can to use renewable energy and to create a system in Decorah that's reliable and affordable.
However, we have a city council most of which are anti-Alliant for some reason. It can't be rates because they raise our taxes and water and sewer rates at will.
I hope the people of Decorah see what's going on and speak up to oppose the proposed new referendum on a Municipal Electric Utility.
Our anti-Alliant city council selects a sustainability group with the same agenda in mind, which in turn selects a task force which will be, no doubt, of the same mindset and agenda. What a farce!
From which list will the task force members be selected? I heard there were two lists submitted.
Looks to me that posturing for another future spendfest for no reason is on its way.
Just a final thought: Is this similar to ballot box stuffing?"