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Luther College is announcing a temporary period of online learning

Posted: Wed, Nov 11, 2020 2:10 PM

Luther College will go back to online learning immediately following the Thanksgiving break.

The online learning option will be in effect from Monday, November 30th through Tuesday, December 22nd.  During this time period, students have the option to engage in online learning from their homes, thus reducing travel to and from campus. Students also have the option to remain on campus during this entire period.

The change is being described as a temporary shift.  Said Luther College President Jenifer K. Ward, "Our revised 2020-21 academic calendar anticipated the possibility of an additional wave of the pandemic in the fall and/or winter."  She added, "The temporary shift to online learning will reduce in-person interactions, reducing the chances of spreading COVID-19 on campus."

Luther has seen relatively few cases of COVID-19 among its students and employees compared to other colleges in this region.  As of Wednesday, Luther had two staff members with COVID-19 and 26 students with active cases of COVID-19.  125 students were in isolation and quarantine overall, with 49 students in that group in isolation or quarantine on campus.

College officials say the move to offering online learning starting November 30th was taken because the college "recognized the need to add preemptive protective measures, considering the rising number of COVID-19 indicators coupled with the regional and national case level increases and holiday travel."  Students are being asked to identify their residency plans to their residence hall directors, so that the college will have a count of how many students will remain in residence in Decorah.  

Luther College officials say they are planning to have classes resume in an in-person format starting on Monday, January 4th, with the students back in residence in Decorah. If the trajectory of the pandemic requires a change in plans, this will be announced to students in the latter part of December.