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Letter to the Editor: "There is such a rift in this country"

Posted: Fri, Oct 30, 2020 8:39 AM

(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by Dave Ohlert of Decorah in response to the Letter to the Editor submitted by Janet Alexander of Decorah):

"The Letter to the Editor from Janet Alexander urged people not to vote for a man who threatens our democracy by possibly not accepting a 'peaceful transition,' which may never happen.

I do believe we have bigger problems than that, like voting for a man and a party that have already openly threatened to reconstruction or shred our Constitution to promote their agenda.  Talk about threatening democracy.

No wonder we have such a rift in this country.  Sad priorities.  I've been watching a lot of coverage on both sides and believe that all our people who fought and/or died to preserve this nation would be totally disgusted in the way everyone is conducting themselves."