Iowa's harvest is two to three weeks ahead of normal
Posted: Tue, Oct 27, 2020 9:56 AM
Over three-quarters of Iowa's corn for grain has been harvested, which is more than three weeks ahead of last year and two weeks ahead of average. Farmers in northwest Iowa have only 8 percent of their corn for grain remaining to be harvested while farmers in south central Iowa still have over 50 percent to be harvested.
Only 6 percent of Iowa's soybean crop remains to be harvested, which is also more than three weeks ahead of last year and just over two weeks ahead of average. Farmers in northwest, north central, west central, and central Iowa have 3 percent or less of their soybeans remaining to be harvested. In contrast, farmers in the southern one-third of the state have at least 14 percent of their soybeans yet to be harvested.