Kristen asks: "Why don't we have the senior high-dose flu vaccine in Decorah when other cities, including Mason City, have it? The excuse is shipping problems, but the same thing happened last year."
The Answer Person says: "Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent is a four-ingredient (quadrivalent) flu vaccine approved for people 65 years and older. Unlike the general flu shot, the 'Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent' flu shot is manufactured by one company and one company only: Sanofi Pasteur Inc.
Whereas the general flu shots are manufactured by numerous companies, the fact that there's only one company licensed to make the quadrivalent flu vaccine for people 65 years old and older means problems suffered by the one company are felt more noticeably. The excuse you've heard—'shipping problems'—probably could be more accurately called 'production and shipping problems,' but it's just as valid a reason for delays this year as it was last year."