Monday evening, the Decorah CSD Board of Education made the decision to revise District face covering requirements and guidance. Due to current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) guidance, gaiters and face shields will no longer be acceptable face covering options.
For the safety and health of students and staff, and to keep schools open, the Decorah Community School District now requires students, staff, and partners to wear a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended face mask when appropriate six (6) feet physical distancing cannot be consistently maintained.
Individuals must follow the CDC's recommendations for selecting a mask. The mask should have two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric; completely cover the nose and mouth; and fit snugly against the face with no gaps. The District highly encourages staff, students, and families to review CDC guidance regarding face coverings when selecting a personal face mask.
Complete Decorah Community School District face mask requirements, guidance, and frequently asked questions can be accessed here.
Superintendent Mark Lane remarked, "A significant majority of students, staff, and partners are already consistently wearing a face mask that meets these new requirements." Individuals currently wearing a gaiter or face shield must transition to a CDC recommended face mask by the beginning of the day, Monday, October 19th for staff, and Tuesday, October 20th for students.