Beth e-mails: "Lately I have been driving around Northeast Iowa on various errands. I have noticed the nice, well tended city signs as I have approached different towns. Heading north today on 150 south of West Union, is a really well tended sign for the town. Calmar also has a nice sign. I have noticed others in Minnesota. Then I come to Decorah and Highway 52 & 9 and see a weed patch growing in front of the Decorah sign. I remember at one time there was an organization taking care of the signs. Isn't this something the city should be taking care of? Who maintains all the park properties?"
The Answer Person says: "There's a two-part answer to your question, depending upon which area near the welcome sign you're talking about. The area directly in front of the sign has been mowed by Decorah Parks & Recreation. You can see that in the photo we've posted. However, if you're referring to the area farther in front of the welcome sign, closer to the highway, that area has been left in native grasses—much like many other park areas in the city."