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Decorah Library Board of Trustees continues its discussion of when and how to reopen the library

Posted: Tue, Oct 13, 2020 9:28 AM

The Decorah Public Library has been closed to the general public since mid-March.  The current remodeling at the library means the library will likely remain closed to the public through the end of this year.

But Library Board of Trustees members have begun discussing what factors will determine when and how it reopens.

Library Board member Ed Brooks says "it disappoints me" that the library has not been able to reopen at least partially, either by appointment only or with a limit on the number of patrons in the building.  Library Board chair Andrea Beckendorf says the board should follow the set of criteria it approved earlier this year.

Library Director Kristen Torresdal says a "Stage 4" reopening would have several restrictions, while a "Stage 5" reopening would have fewer restrictions.

No decision has been made yet, with a final choice probably not required until the Library Board's December meeting.