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Letter to the Editor: Court Street project is going well

Posted: Sun, Oct 11, 2020 4:43 PM

(The following Letter to the Editor has been submitted by John Carver of Decorah):

"Good News! Court street is undergoing surgery and doing well. In fact, the court house side is practically finished. And how does that look? Terrific! Once the north end of the street is done Decorah will have a memory to pass on for future generations.

Brick pavers are virtually indestructible. Look how long these have lasted and are not worn out yet. It would be a real testament if the courthouse were surrounded by pavers. OK, quit laughing! Fossil fuels and asphalt go together so one of these days mother earth will run on empty.

Before you leave this, be sure to drive Court Street with your windows down. Recall the sounds of steel clad wheels and of horses' hooves clopping on the bricks. You ain't gonna hear that from a quiet car. It's not a sound to forget."